Long Shot Trailer With Charlize Theron And Seth Rogen Is Romantic And Funny
Charlize Theron and Seth Rogen probably aren't the first two people that you'd consider putting in a romantic comedy together. Of course, that's part of the joke in the premise of Long Shot. The upcoming film just dropped its first trailer and regardless of how odd this couple might seem on paper, the pair appear to have some real chemistry together, not to mention some real laughs. Check it out.
The premise of Long Shot sees Charlize Theron as the current U.S. Secretary of State and a potential candidate for President. She's going on the campaign trail and needs a speechwriter to help her craft her message, and as it happens, she has recently reconnected with the character played by Seth Rogen, a journalist who she used to babysit when they were younger. He apparently had a crush on her the entire time. The pair begin to work closely together as he tries to get to know her again in order to help write better speeches, and the sparks begin to fly.
With that premise the title certainly makes sense. Charlize Theron's character is beautiful, successful and part of the highest levels of society. Seth Rogen's character is...not. References are even made to Pretty Woman in the trailer, though in this case the genders have been swapped.
All in all, this looks like it could be a really entertaining movie. The pair look to get into some really funny situations. Theron's Secretary of State looks to be letting her hair down and partying in one scene with Rogen, something that we would not normally expect to see somebody in that position do. One certainly wonders how voters might react. Some might feel its a scandal, but you have to figure a lot of people would love to see their Presidential candidates acting like real people.
Because it's a romantic comedy, we can pretty much guess where it goes. The trailer itself doesn't even bother trying to hide it. The fact that Seth Rogen doesn't look or act like somebody in the same league as Charlize Theron will become an issue as the relationship between the two begins to bloom. Because one of them is in the public eye, the entire relationship will be as well, and there are votes to be considered after all.
Of course, the plot's just not all that important here. Whether or not _Long Shot_ works will depend entirely on whether or not the jokes are funny and if people fall in love with the idea of these two characters falling in love. So far, I'm in.
With a release in early May it looks like Long Shot is looking to be counter program to the onslaught of summer blockbusters. We frequently see a least one comedy break out during the summer season despite the fact that it's not full of superheroes and if this film is as charming as the trailer, it certainly could be the one.
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