The Cool Reason Alita: Battle Angel Moved The Movie To Panama City

The Cool Reason Alita: Battle Angel Moved The Movie To Panama City

Alita: Battle Angel went to great lengths to get some aspects of Yukito Kishiros manga series correct on the big screen, including the way Rosa Salazars eyes were enhanced for the flick. However, other details were changed, including the setting of the story, and as it turns out theres a reason Alita: Battle Angel got switched from Kansas City, Missouri to Panama City, Panama.

In fact, its a really cool reason. According to Director Robert Rodriguez, the change of locale had to do with the science behind the space elevator and the best location it would have worked. He said:

The original story was set in Kansas City, but Jim early on figured out that it should be set near an equator because thats where scientifically a space elevator would work. I thought that was fantastic, so lets do Panama City, which is a Latin country, and weve never seen that in a sci-fi film before. And with all the different cultures, its just naturally diverse, so the diversity was actually part of the original script.

Per Robert Rodriguez, it was James Cameron who figured out that Zalem and the Iron City would be better off set in a warm location near the equator rather than in a temperate one. Then Rodriguez decided Panama City would be the best place to build the 23rd century world, set several hundred years after a great war left the Earth in ruination.

With Avatar and even Titanic, James Cameron has had an avid interest in the scientific components of those properties. (Although he notably may have gotten the Titanic sinking wrong.) So, its not shocking to me that if he was working on a movie with a space elevator that he would have wanted to make sure the details were at least somewhat feasible.

In addition, although the story is based on a manga novel written in Japan, Robert Rodriguez also revealed to Complex that Jims vision was always more of a melting pot, meaning setting the story in a specific place wasnt that important to the final vision of the film.

What was cool is that thats what Jim latched onto when he first got the rights in 1999, is that it wasnt something as Asian-specific as Ghost in The Shell or Akira, which are set in neo Tokyo. This is something thats much more of a melting pot, its not set somewhere specifically Asian. Its a cyborg girl in the lead, and even in the manga its set in one of the last standing cities left, so by nature theres multiple languages being spoken, with people from all over the world could coming there, so it was always sort of a melting pot.

It took a long time for Alita: Battle Angel to come together. Robert Rodriguez previously revealed that James Cameron had approached him with the idea a long time ago, specifically back when he was working on Sin City, which was released back in 2005. Thats a long time for a project like this to gestate, but it also assumedly means that people like James Cameron and Robert Rodriguez had plenty of time to think about details like space elevators and temperature.

If you havent caught it yet, Alita: Battle Angel is still in theaters now. We'll of course let you know if the flick does end up getting a sequel. For now, take a look at what else is coming up with our full movies schedule.

The Cool Reason Alita: Battle Angel Moved The Movie To Panama

Panama Expat Forum: Alita: Battle Angel, was filmed in Panama. Forum for Expats Living in Panama on Expat Exchange. Topic posted by panamajames.
Alita: Battle Angel - CINEMABLEND

Alita: Battle Angel is a 2019 American cyberpunk action film based on the 1990s Japanese manga series Gunnm (known as Battle Angel Alita in the English translation) by Yukito Kishiro. Directed by Robert Rodriguez, the film is co-produced by James Cameron and written by Cameron and Laeta Kalogridis.
Avengers: Endgame Has Some Nerve Making Fun of Time Travel

The Cool Reason Alita: Battle Angel Moved The Movie To Panama City. 3 hours ago. 0 . Sacha Baron Cohen Admits Borat Caused Pamela Anderson's Divorce With Kid Rock.
Alita: Battle Angel - Wikipedia

Alita: Battle Angel went to great lengths to get some aspects of Yukito Kishiro's manga series correct on the big screen, including the way Rosa Salazar's eyes were enhanced for the flick
The Cool Reason Alita: Battle Angel Moved The Movie To Panama

The Cool Reason Alita: Battle Angel Moved The Movie To Panama City As it turns out there's a reason Alita: Battle Angel got switched from Kansas City, Missouri to Panama City, Panama. Jessica
Matthew Vaughn Reveals His Scrapped Plans For Man Of Steel 2

Battle Angel Moved The Movie To Panama City Movies March 26, 2019 No Comments Alita: Battle Angel went to great lengths to get some aspects of Yukito Kishiro's manga series correct on the big screen, including the way Rosa Salazar's eyes were enhanced for the flick.
Panama Expat Forum: Alita: Battle Angel, was filmed in Panama

However, other details were changed, including the setting of the story, and as it turns out there's a reason Alita: Battle Angel got switched from Kansas City, Missouri to Panama City, Panama. In fact, it's a really cool reason.
Battle Angel Moved The Movie To Panama City - 247

I don't know, but regardless, that's the dynamic at the thematic center of this incredible movie.Salazar's Alita Cyborg comes alive in 'Alita: Battle Angel' - News - Panama City News Herald

Because real-world time travel back and forth between the past and present is not (yet) possible, and the underlying science behind our working theories as to how it might one day be possible can be difficult to grasp, our ideas about it have largely been shaped by fictional depictions in books, television shows, and movies like Avengers: Endgame.
Cyborg comes alive in 'Alita: Battle Angel' - News - Panama

However, other details were changed, including the setting of the story, and as it turns out there's a reason Alita: Battle Angel got switched from Kansas City, Missouri to Panama City, Panama. In fact, it's a really cool reason.
Battle Angel Moved The Movie To Panama City | MyEntertainmentNews

Avengers: Endgames VFX Artists Took A Lot Of Lessons From The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy

Avengers: Endgames VFX Artists Took A Lot Of Lessons From The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy

Weta Digital has been in the digital effects game for over 25 years, and the companys most recent contribution to the cinematic landscape was in Avengers: Endgame, specifically through the explosive final battle. During my recent interview with Weta visual effects supervisor Matt Aiken, I asked him whether there were any non-Marvel movies Weta had worked on that inspired the work done on Endgame, and he informed me that there were quite a few parallels between the final chapter of the Infinity Saga and what he and his team had done on the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Aiken explained:

A bunch of us, myself included, go all the way back to Lord of the Rings at WETA Digital. That had giant battle sequences, predominantly CG battle sequences as well. It was interesting, we really felt like we were back in the territory of Helms Deep and the Battle of Pelennor Fields at times on this film, which was fun for a bunch of us whod worked on those films as well. And were using some of the same techniques and software in Lord of the Rings. Were using MASSIVE, which is the crowd-simulation software that we developed in house at WETA Digital to do those battle scenes for Lord of the Rings to do the crowd simulation work for Endgame as well. Its a way more developed version of that, but its still plenty of the same software.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has delivered some amazing battles over the last 11 years, but for now, Avengers: Endgames final conflict ranks as the biggest yet. All the major MCU heroes, from the ones wed followed along with since the beginning of the movie to those who were dusted in Avengers: Infinity War coming back to life, as well as their armies of allies, fighting the 2014 versions of Thanos and his forces. Who knows if/when well ever see a clash like this again in the MCU.

While a battle of that scale is novel for the superhero franchise, for Matt Aiken and his team, it was familiar territory for them, because even though its been nearly two decades since the Lord of the Rings trilogy launched, they were using the same software to create these large crowds back then as they did for Avengers: Endgame in the last year or so, albeit with many improvements.

However, the trick with creating these kind of fights isnt just plopping large crowds onto a battlefield; its also ensuring that the combatants can stand out amidst all the action. Whats the point watching two sides duke it out if everyones actions look the same? That would be boring. Matt Aiken and his Weta team figured that out during their time on Lord of the Rings and incorporated it into Avengers: Endgame. As Aiken put it:

And then things we learned from Lord of the Rings that we were able to bring to bear here as well. The one thing we always like to do is when we have these big battle scenes is not to just treat everybody the same, so in Endgame, weve got multiple different flavors of army on both sides, both Thanos side and our heroes side. Weve got Wakandans, Asgardians, Ravagers, sorcerers on the heroes side, and weve got Chitauri, Outriders, Sakaarans, the Black Order on Thanos side. And we want to preserve the individual fighting styles for each of these sub-armies, if you like, so that when we have a clash, we can tell if its a bunch of Outriders dealing to some sorcerers, or maybe weve got some Wakandans who are able to take on a whole lot of Chitauri.

The MCU and Middle-Earths sagas are incredibly different from one another, but when it comes to VFX work, as Matt Aiken laid out, a lot of the same methods were applied to both franchises. Given technological advancement, obviously these methods were more refined for Avengers: Endgame, but overall, its like the old saying goes: if it aint broke, dont fix it.

While Weta Digital handled VFX for all the Lord of the Rings movie and the subsequent Hobbit trilogy that followed a decade later, Avengers: Endgame marked just the fifth MCU movie the company worked on, the previous ones being The Avengers, Iron Man 3, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and Avengers: Infinity War. Given what Weta pulled off in all those movies, Endgame especially, I suspect Marvel Studios will continue relying on its services for future installments.

Avengers: Endgames final battle definitely gave viewers a lot of moving pieces keep track of, from Captain America finally wielding Mjolnir to the women of Marvel coming together to transport the Infinity Gauntlet to Scott Langs van. Even with the good guys getting that surge of reinforcements, Thanos nearly succeeded in destroying the universe and replacing it with a new one, but Tony Stark managed to swipe the Infinity Stones and channel their power to turn all the Mad Titan and his minions to dust, though it came at the cost of his own life.

As for the Lord of the Rings franchise, obviously its time on the big screen has come and gone, but the Middle-Earth mythology will soon be explored on the small screen. Amazon has a Lord of the Rings TV series in the works, although instead of just adapting the original novels again, it will tell new stories set before The Fellowship of the Ring. Given that Weta primarily works on movies, as well as Amazon probably wanted its series to look different from the movies, its unlikely the New Zealand-based company will be brought in to work on this show, but I suppose anything is possible.

Avengers: Endgame is still playing in theaters, so be sure to read CinemaBlends review of the movie and stay tuned for more coverage on it. If youre curious about what the MCU has coming up, check out our Marvel movies guide. As for the Lord of the Rings series, it doesnt have an official premiere date, although it might be ready by 2021.

Weta Digital is the incredible VFX team behind many of the most amazing visual effects you've seen in films over the last 25 years. Their most recent piece of work was on the worldwide hit movie, knocking out all the box office records, Avengers: Endgame.

TV Series News - Endgame's VFX Artists Took A Lot Of Lessons From The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy 3 weeks ago admin
Avengers: Endgame's VFX Artists Took A Lot Of Lessons From

Weta Digital is the incredible VFX team behind many of the most amazing visual effects you've seen in films over the last 25 years. Their most recent piece of work was on the worldwide hit movie, knocking out all the box office records, Avengers: Endgame.

Avengers: Endgame's VFX Artists Took A Lot Of Lessons From The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy. May 20, 2019 admin 0. Marvel Cinematic Universe, meet Middle-Earth.
Avengers: Endgame's VFX Artists Took A Lot Of Lessons From

AVENGERS: ENDGAME VFX Artists Credit THE LORD OF THE RINGS Films For Inspiration In Working on the Movie Movie Weta VFX Marvel Avengers: Endgame Image Safe about 2 weeks ago by Jessica Fisher Weta Digital is the incredible VFX team behind many of the most amazing visual effects you've seen in films over the last 25 years.
Avengers: Endgame VFX Artists Credit The Lord Of The Rings

While Weta Digital handled VFX for all the Lord of the Rings movie and the subsequent Hobbit trilogy that followed a decade later, Avengers: Endgame marked just the fifth MCU movie the company worked on, the previous ones being The Avengers, Iron Man 3, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and Avengers: Infinity War.
Avengers: Endgame's VFX Artists Took A Lot Of Lessons From

Avengers: Endgame's VFX Artists Took A Lot Of Lessons From

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Bing News. Avengers: Endgame's VFX Artists Took A Lot Of Lessons From The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy While a battle of that scale is novel for the superhero franchise, for Matt Aiken and his team
Avengers: Endgame's VFX Artists Took A Lot Of Lessons From

Avengers: Endgame's VFX Artists Took A Lot Of Lessons From The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy Associated Press AP May 20, 2019 7:34 pm May 20, 2019 Off 11 Share This Post
TV Series News - Endgame's VFX Artists Took A Lot Of Lessons

Aquamans James Wan Reveals A Fun Easter Egg For Hardcore Fans

Aquamans James Wan Reveals A Fun Easter Egg For Hardcore Fans

SPOILER ALERT: The following article contains a mild spoiler for Aquaman. If you don't wish to know about any specific Easter Eggs in the movie... I don't know why you clicked on this article.Hiding Easter Eggs in comic book movies is a long-held tradition. After all, not only are they fun to discover, but these films often serve in reverence to decades of work from many different creatives, and small little nods and hints can be a way of showing respect. James Wan's upcoming Aquaman movie will be no different, as he revealed earlier this summer that the blockbuster will have a small cameo for Topo, the titular hero's sentient octopus pal, specifically in battle scene where he's providing percussion for a packed audience in a stadium:

That's for the hardcore fans out there, because in the comic book Topo would play all kinds of instruments. Literally, one tentacle would be playing the harp, and then another one would be playing the violin, and the other tentacle would be playing the piano. This is my take on that. He's playing the big Japanese drums in a tribalistic kind of way. I joke that the octo-drummer should hook up with the guitar flame guy from Mad Max: Fury Road.

James Wan gave us a behind the scenes look at Aquaman a few weeks ago when he invited a small group of journalists including myself to visit the edit bay for the new blockbuster. During an hour-long sit down, we not only had a long conversation about the movie, but also watched select sequences, including one where Aquaman (Jason Momoa) and his half-brother, Orm (Patrick Wilson), do battle gladiator-style. Keeping the fans in the crowd excited is an octopus skillfully playing the drums, and it was after playing the clip that the director confirmed that the multi-armed mollusk is specifically Topo.

The character was first introduced in Adventure Comics #229, created by artist Ramona Fradon, and has gone through many changes over the years. Initially he was simply a smart octopus, but after the major crossover event Crisis On Infinite Earths altered DC Comics continuity he became a more anthropomorphized character and more developed sidekick to Aquaman. He was reinvented a second time in 2011 when the continuity was rebooted following the Flashpoint event, starting what's known as the New 52 era. And while the new Aquaman movie borrows a lot from that particular period of the comics -- where Geoff Johns was the primary writer -- it won't have that particular take on Topo, who was remade as a monster octopus/crab creature.

Fans will be able to get their own look at Topo in just a few short months, with Aquaman arriving in theaters nationwide on December 21st. Be sure to stay tuned here on CinemaBlend for a lot more of our coverage, including more from our edit bay visit with James Wan.

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Aquaman is a must watch the film with family and friend. Aquaman Box Office Collection Prediction-Now, we aren't sure that the movie Aquaman is going to smash Marvel's record. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is going to create some competition, but hey the competition is always going to be in between these two's.

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How Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol Was Originally Supposed To End For Ethan Hunt

How Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol Was Originally Supposed To End For Ethan Hunt

Tom Cruises Ethan Hunt has been the face of the Mission: Impossible franchise ever since the first movie came out in 1996. Many characters come and go, and some even stick around for more than one movie, but Ethan is the guy leading the charge each time. One way or another, Ethan ends up being active in the field, but apparently 2011s Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol was originally supposed to conclude with him hanging up his gun and becoming the new leader of the Impossible Mission Force (IMF). According to Ghost Protocol cinematographer Robert Elswitt:

The original version of Ghost Protocol, most of the people involved probably wouldnt speak about this, but I can because nobody gives a shit about what I say. The original version of this movie was at the end of it Tom Cruise stops being Ethan Hunt the agent and becomes Ethan Hunt the Secretary. The whole version of this was they were gonna put another IMF Mission unit together with another actormaybe its Jeremy Renner, who knows who it isand theyre gonna go through this series of wild events, and at the end Tom gets to be the Secretary and a new agent takes over the franchise. Which I think seemed kind of nutty, but that was kind of the marching orders.

It was already public knowledge that Christopher McQuarrie was brought in to rewrite portions of the Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol script to reintegrate parts of the story into the action, but Robert Elswitt went into great detail about what the fourth movie of the Mission: Impossible series had planned for Ethan Hunt. After three movies of fighting the bad guys, Ethan would have taken over IMF, which makes sense given that Ghost Protocol sees the then-current IMF secretary, played by Tom Wilkinson, being killed. From there, a new agent would have taken over as the hero in the field for future movies.

And it wasnt just Ethan Hunts promotion that was changed for Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol. During his appearance on the Light the Fuse podcast, Robert Elswitt also talked about how the movies ending changed significantly. As he put it:

Everybody kind of had signed off on that. The script was a little loose, but thats what the script was. You meet these other agents and then they free Tom from prison and they go though all this other stuff that happens, the Secretary gets killed and then there was a big battle at the end in the snow and all this stuff happens and then Tom gets elevated to Secretary. I cant remember who the new agent people would be, but it doesnt matter now.

Once Christopher McQuarrie came aboard to handle rewrites, thats when a good portion of Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol, primarily the latter half, was changed. This included a scene where Ethan Hunt was speaking with his IMF allies aboard a train, took over the team and laid out everything that had happened and what they will do next. As for who this agent was supposed to take over Ethans spot as the main action hero, my guess it was Jeremy Renners William Brandt. He was introduced in Ghost Protocol, and with movies like The Hurt Locker and The Town on his resume, its easy to see how the creative minds could have envisioned his character as a worthy successor. Brandt came back for Rogue Nation, but because Jeremy Renner was busy in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, he didnt return for Fallout.

Needless to say that Ethan Hunt calling the shots at IMF is a far cry from where we are now with the Mission: Impossible franchise. Ethan is still out in the field and saving the world, and theres no sign of that changing for Mission: Impossible 7 or 8. Christopher McQuarrie is also now spearheading the Mission: Impossible franchise as both writer and director, and all of the movies that hes had a hand in have been met with critical acclaim. So its safe to say that the Mission: Impossible movies have been in good hands with McQuarrie.

Mission: Impossible 7 and Mission: Impossible 8 are set for release on July 23, 2021 and August 5, 2022, respectively. Stay tuned to CinemaBlend for updates on how the franchise is developing, and check out our 2019 release schedule to find out whats hitting theaters sooner.

One way or another, Ethan ends up being active in the field, but apparently 2011's Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol was originally supposed to conclude with him hanging up his gun and becoming the new leader of the Impossible Mission Force (IMF).
Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol - CINEMABLEND

Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol was released on DVD, Blu-ray, and digital download on April 17, 2012. The home media releases, however, do not preserve the original IMAX imagery, [42] [43] and its aspect ratio is consistently cropped to 2.40:1 rather than switching to a 1.78:1 aspect ratio during the IMAX scenes.
Ethan Hunt - Wikipedia

Ethan Matthew Hunt (born August 18, 1964) is the main protagonist in the Mission: Impossible film series.He is a senior field operations agent for the Impossible Mission Force, an elite, top-secret espionage and covert operations agency that handles dangerous and highly sensitive international missions that have been deemed "impossible".
Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol - Wikipedia

How Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol Was Originally

Ghost Protocol and Rogue Nation cinematographer Robert Elswit has revealed the original ending for Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol, including how it almost dramatically changed the series.
Tom Cruise was supposed to step aside in Mission: Impossible

One way or another, Ethan ends up being active in the field, but apparently 2011's Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol was originally supposed to conclude with him hanging up his gun and becoming the new leader of the Impossible Mission Force (IMF).
Impossible Ghost Protocol Was Originally Supposed To End For

Tom Cruise was supposed to step aside in Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol. There could've been a Renn(ovation), but they decided to stay on Cruise control.
Tom Cruise Was Supposed to Become Secretary at the End of
Tom Cruise was originally supposed to become Secretary at the end of 'Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol' and hand the franchise over to another actor.
Ethan Hunt | Mission Impossible | FANDOM powered by Wikia

How Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol Was Originally Supposed To End For Ethan Hunt This would have been quite different from what we got in the final product. Adam Holmes Feb 14, 2019
Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol originally passed the torch

One way or another, Ethan ends up being active in the field, but apparently 2011's Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol was originally supposed to conclude with him hanging up his gun and
How Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol Was Originally

Aside from the Mission: Impossible films, Ethan Hunt has appeared in the 1998 video game based on the first film and the 2003 video game Mission: Impossible - Operation Surma, voiced by Steve Blum. He also appears as a playable character in the crossover game Lego Dimensions, with archive footage from the first film being used for his voice.